Monday, August 27, 2007

It is time.

To resurrect my poor bloggie.
I'm sitting at a computer, it's not balancing on my lap as I sit on (very scratched up) bamboo floors. I'm reading Augusten Burroughs, but I'm not sweating and squinting cuz I'm on The Scape. I'm in Nashville, not Covington.
And that is what sucks.
I know I should be pretty happy cuz life is going relatively well, all things considered. Really good classes. Nice new roommate. Going back to The C.O.V. this weekend.
But I'm not. All I can think is that the best time of my life is behind me. And I don't ever get to go back. Not really.
No more Haus Parties.
No more fire escape shenanigans.
No more running home when the bathroom line is too long at the bar.
No more answering the question "Where do you live?" with a point to the best spot on the street.
No more front windows.
No more Bretty as a roommate.
It's really awful. And nobody really understands. Except Angela and The Ponz. Well, at least I have them.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Ahh, chick lit...

How can one simultaneously love and hate something so much at the same time? You feel SO dumb for reading it, but it's so fun! Chick lit is the equivolent of television: You read it to check out of reality so you don't have to think.
Anyways, here's a quote I found funny out of my current read Dumping Billy (it's by the lady who wrote The First Wives Club, so I had high hopes. But they were crushed.): "Kate imagined his whole life had been a kind of bachelor party..."
How true! I don't know a single guy who this isn't true of. Phooey.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

May Day

::Christian screaming:: "MAY DAY!"
2 very different kinds of May Days, but either way, I'm a happy camper today. Because:
1. Last day of classes
2. GORGEOUS, sunny and about 85 today
3. Talked to Tony Scam, who wants to talk to me about a job, and I can officially move in early on Monday
4. Moving in Monday means that I can go home on Wednesday to ... see The Matches! Again!
5. A lady stopped me in the elevator today and, seeing a patch on my bag, said "Have you ever been to Haight-Ashbury?" and we got to chatting about San Francisco, where she used to live. It made me happy. "I think it's the best place in the country to live. Other than the cost of living :)"

*6 days til The Summer Haus*

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Matches!

A few pictures and fun facts to accompany the story of last night:
Before tearing into Shoot Me In The Smile: "Yeah, take my picture now ::tons of flashes start going off:: This is the youngest I'm ever gonna be."

"We're all gonna dedicate this song to someone. ::points at me:: Who are you gonna dedicate it to?"

They played Salty Eyes (!!!), followed perfectly by Drive.

"Do we look like The Beatles?"
* Replacing "L-l-l-los Angeles" with "Nashville" (didn't really flow at all, but he was so cute doing it)
* Happy Shawn "sidle-ing" up to me :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Happy Puppet Syndrome

Angelman Disease is an uncommon nerogenetic disorder characterized by metal retardation, abnormal gait, absence or near-absence of speech and an inappropriate happy demeanor, including laughter, smiling and excitability.
Abnormalities may include small head, deep set eyes and a large, wide mouth.
The uncoordinated gait, laughter and facial features have caused some people to refer to this disroder as the "Happy Puppet Syndrome".

Call me cold-hearted, but I found this hysterical, causing me to call Angela and tell her about it. This resulted in us having a cross-country "laugh until we cried" fit.
And then, even when the fun was over and we'd moved on to other topics, I was still laughing uncontrollably...
Maybe I have Happy Puppets... :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Does anyone else ever worry about this? Probably not, because I think I am narcissistic. But - hear me out.
So sometimes I start to freak out, worrying that I'm not as
as I always thought I was.
Let me tell you, it's quite discomforting. What if I'm no different from everyone else? What if I'm just as dumb and irrelevant as all the bimbos around me? What if I'm one of those people that everyone else just rolls their eyes at?
I don't know what sparks it, it's never really anything.
And today is one of those days.

Monday, April 02, 2007

"They're coming to take me away..."